About Us
Who Big Idea Is!
Big Idea is a visionary company comprised of a talented team with diverse backgrounds spanning from legal and IP management to emerging technology and Web3 to security, privacy, and compliance backgrounds. Our team is passionate about building and innovating, driven by a shared excitement to help unlock what we believe will be a renaissance of innovation and ideas in the coming decade. Our mission is to revolutionize the protection, management, and monetization of intellectual digital assets, empowering creators, businesses, and institutions to safeguard and maximize the value of their innovations. By leveraging our expertise and cutting-edge technologies, we are dedicated to creating a secure, dynamic platform that places intellectual property at the forefront of the digital era.
Meet Our Leadership Team
Nathan Hecker
CEO / Co-Founder
Nate is a seasoned Enterprise & Systems Architect with a significant track record in healthcare technology. He has designed, built, and launched products and systems widely adopted by major US health systems, public health entities, and national payers. He has a comprehensive background in Technology Operations, Cloud Infrastructure, Big Data Management, Data Interoperability, and Security & Privacy. Nate emphasizes a strategy that seamlessly blends technology with business objectives, ensuring compliance and security remain paramount. Aside from being apart of two company exits & two company acquisitions, his standout achievements include serving as the Security Officer that managed 80 million+ patient records, pioneering cloud-based interoperability for Health Information Exchanges, and creating Philadelphia's first regional population health system, "The Grid".
Jarid Arnold
COO / Co-Founder
Jarid is a seasoned technology expert whose fervor for innovation is matched only by his dedication to ensuring the integrity and security of digital assets. A major in digital forensics, his academic pursuits seeded an early interest in cryptography, laying the foundation for his future endeavors in the technology realm. With over a decade of rich experience, Jarid has sharpened his skills in customer experience, product design, and the burgeoning field of web3 technology. His most recent role as the technical owner for the US's largest health information exchange is a testament to his capability; under his leadership, the platform facilitates an astounding 9 million+ transactions of PHI data daily. Grounded in expertise and driven by passion, he is dedicated to being at the forefront of leveraging blockchain and cryptographic solutions to address real-world challenges.
Matthew Lopez
General Counsel
Matthew Lopez is a fractional general counsel and managing partner of Wolf and Snow. He has focused his career on working with startups, helping them with their legal and HR needs. Wolf and Snow is the first law firm that acts as a fractional legal department for startups. Matthew created Wolf and Snow to fill the need for startups to have in-house legal departments because of the lack of options and high costs for outside legal counsel. They provide the top tier services of a large legal department at a fraction of the cost while offering flexible payment arrangements that fit the specific budget of each startup by taking a VC approach. Wolf and Snow specializes in all legal areas a startup needs, including corporate governance, contract drafting and negotiations, data privacy, intellectual property, open source, due diligence, and employment.
Shawne Merriman
Board Advisor
Shawne Merriman has been a pioneer in the realm of intellectual property from the outset of his distinguished career. Renowned for his "Lights Out" persona, Shawne has expertly leveraged this trademark to build a formidable brand that extends far beyond the football field. As the founding CEO of the Lights Out brand, Shawne has showcased his visionary leadership and entrepreneurial acumen. His multifaceted career includes roles as an analyst for Fox Sports and a celebrated former All-Pro Linebacker in the NFL, where he played for the Los Angeles Chargers and the Buffalo Bills. Beyond his athletic and business achievements, Shawne is the founder of the Lights On Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing winter wear for the less fortunate in the Maryland area. His commitment to philanthropy underscores his dedication to giving back to the community and supporting those in need. Shawne's entrepreneurial ventures continue to expand with the founding of Lights Out Xtreme Fighting, a premier mixed martial arts organization, and the recent launch of Lights Out Sports, a free ad-supported sports streaming service.
Werner Lehfellner
Board Advisor
Werner brings to our team a distinguished 25-year career with prestigious global law firms and entrepreneurial ventures in the marketing and entertainment sectors. His extensive cross-industry experience includes working with organizations and clients in marketing, advertising, investment banking, commercial banking, energy, consumer products, manufacturing, and entertainment.Most notably, Werner co-founded Bulldog New York, a self-funded marketing agency with a global footprint, serving as the COO and General Counsel. During his tenure, Bulldog New York collaborated with renowned clients such as Pepsi-Cola North America, General Mills, Sara Lee, America Online, and The Otto Group. Werner's impressive track record demonstrates his ability to enhance operations, drive business growth, and optimize profitability through sound financial management and innovative business strategies.
Richard Blakely
Board Advisor
Richard Blakely is a serial entrepreneur and visionary with a focus on creating platform-as-a service (PaaS) solutions, and is renowned for his pioneering work in streaming infrastructure. As Co-Founder and CEO of Xirsys, he leads one of the foremost WebRTC infrastructure-as-a-service companies, and previously co-founded and led the video streaming service Millicast, which was acquired by Dolby in 2022. Richard’s innovative technologies have empowered immersive, real-time and streaming interactions for thousands of companies including many of the world's largest brands. His latest ventures include Sound Ethics AI, a platform for protecting music rights, and EvolvTec, innovative solutions for improving human living. Passionate about design, technology, innovation, skateboard collecting, and crafting finely made cocktails.
Jerry Chabolla
Board Advisor
Jerry Chabolla is a dedicated entrepreneur and co-founder of multiple innovative companies, with a keen focus on product design and user experience (UX). As Co-Founder of Xirsys, Millicast (acquired by Dolby), Influxis, and EvolvTec, Jerry has played a pivotal role in creating platforms that prioritize intuitive and seamless user interactions. His expertise in UX and his vision for bridging the communication between applications and users has been instrumental in delivering technologies that enable immersive, real-time interactions and streaming experiences for thousands of companies worldwide. Beyond his professional achievements, Jerry is passionate about music, personal growth, 3D printing and Robotics. His commitment to enhancing the user experience is paralleled by his dedication to fostering a positive and fulfilling life for himself and others.
Nate is a seasoned Enterprise & Systems Architect with a significant track record in healthcare technology. He has designed, built, and launched products and systems widely adopted by major US health systems, public health entities, and national payers. He has a comprehensive background in Technology Operations, Cloud Infrastructure, Big Data Management, Data Interoperability, and Security & Privacy. Nate emphasizes a strategy that seamlessly blends technology with business objectives, ensuring compliance and security remain paramount. Aside from being apart of two company exits & two company acquisitions, his standout achievements include serving as the Security Officer that managed 80 million+ patient records, pioneering cloud-based interoperability for Health Information Exchanges, and creating Philadelphia's first regional population health system, "The Grid".
Jarid is a seasoned technology expert whose fervor for innovation is matched only by his dedication to ensuring the integrity and security of digital assets. A major in digital forensics, his academic pursuits seeded an early interest in cryptography, laying the foundation for his future endeavors in the technology realm. With over a decade of rich experience, Jarid has sharpened his skills in customer experience, product design, and the burgeoning field of web3 technology. His most recent role as the technical owner for the US's largest health information exchange is a testament to his capability; under his leadership, the platform facilitates an astounding 9 million+ transactions of PHI data daily. Grounded in expertise and driven by passion, he is dedicated to being at the forefront of leveraging blockchain and cryptographic solutions to address real-world challenges.
Matthew Lopez is a fractional general counsel and managing partner of Wolf and Snow. He has focused his career on working with startups, helping them with their legal and HR needs. Wolf and Snow is the first law firm that acts as a fractional legal department for startups. Matthew created Wolf and Snow to fill the need for startups to have in-house legal departments because of the lack of options and high costs for outside legal counsel. They provide the top tier services of a large legal department at a fraction of the cost while offering flexible payment arrangements that fit the specific budget of each startup by taking a VC approach. Wolf and Snow specializes in all legal areas a startup needs, including corporate governance, contract drafting and negotiations, data privacy, intellectual property, open source, due diligence, and employment.
Shawne Merriman has been a pioneer in the realm of intellectual property from the outset of his distinguished career. Renowned for his "Lights Out" persona, Shawne has expertly leveraged this trademark to build a formidable brand that extends far beyond the football field. As the founding CEO of the Lights Out brand, Shawne has showcased his visionary leadership and entrepreneurial acumen. His multifaceted career includes roles as an analyst for Fox Sports and a celebrated former All-Pro Linebacker in the NFL, where he played for the Los Angeles Chargers and the Buffalo Bills. Beyond his athletic and business achievements, Shawne is the founder of the Lights On Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing winter wear for the less fortunate in the Maryland area. His commitment to philanthropy underscores his dedication to giving back to the community and supporting those in need. Shawne's entrepreneurial ventures continue to expand with the founding of Lights Out Xtreme Fighting, a premier mixed martial arts organization, and the recent launch of Lights Out Sports, a free ad-supported sports streaming service.
Werner brings to our team a distinguished 25-year career with prestigious global law firms and entrepreneurial ventures in the marketing and entertainment sectors. His extensive cross-industry experience includes working with organizations and clients in marketing, advertising, investment banking, commercial banking, energy, consumer products, manufacturing, and entertainment.Most notably, Werner co-founded Bulldog New York, a self-funded marketing agency with a global footprint, serving as the COO and General Counsel. During his tenure, Bulldog New York collaborated with renowned clients such as Pepsi-Cola North America, General Mills, Sara Lee, America Online, and The Otto Group. Werner's impressive track record demonstrates his ability to enhance operations, drive business growth, and optimize profitability through sound financial management and innovative business strategies.
Richard Blakely is a serial entrepreneur and visionary with a focus on creating platform-as-a service (PaaS) solutions, and is renowned for his pioneering work in streaming infrastructure. As Co-Founder and CEO of Xirsys, he leads one of the foremost WebRTC infrastructure-as-a-service companies, and previously co-founded and led the video streaming service Millicast, which was acquired by Dolby in 2022. Richard’s innovative technologies have empowered immersive, real-time and streaming interactions for thousands of companies including many of the world's largest brands. His latest ventures include Sound Ethics AI, a platform for protecting music rights, and EvolvTec, innovative solutions for improving human living. Passionate about design, technology, innovation, skateboard collecting, and crafting finely made cocktails.
Jerry Chabolla is a dedicated entrepreneur and co-founder of multiple innovative companies, with a keen focus on product design and user experience (UX). As Co-Founder of Xirsys, Millicast (acquired by Dolby), Influxis, and EvolvTec, Jerry has played a pivotal role in creating platforms that prioritize intuitive and seamless user interactions. His expertise in UX and his vision for bridging the communication between applications and users has been instrumental in delivering technologies that enable immersive, real-time interactions and streaming experiences for thousands of companies worldwide. Beyond his professional achievements, Jerry is passionate about music, personal growth, 3D printing and Robotics. His commitment to enhancing the user experience is paralleled by his dedication to fostering a positive and fulfilling life for himself and others.
Richard Blakely is a serial entrepreneur and visionary with a focus on creating platform-as-a service (PaaS) solutions, and is renowned for his pioneering work in streaming infrastructure. As Co-Founder and CEO of Xirsys, he leads one of the foremost WebRTC infrastructure-as-a-service companies, and previously co-founded and led the video streaming service Millicast, which was acquired by Dolby in 2022. Richard’s innovative technologies have empowered immersive, real-time and streaming interactions for thousands of companies including many of the world's largest brands. His latest ventures include Sound Ethics AI, a platform for protecting music rights, and EvolvTec, innovative solutions for improving human living. Passionate about design, technology, innovation, skateboard collecting, and crafting finely made cocktails.
Nate is a seasoned Enterprise & Systems Architect with a significant track record in healthcare technology. He has designed, built, and launched products and systems widely adopted by major US health systems, public health entities, and national payers. He has a comprehensive background in Technology Operations, Cloud Infrastructure, Big Data Management, Data Interoperability, and Security & Privacy. Nate emphasizes a strategy that seamlessly blends technology with business objectives, ensuring compliance and security remain paramount. Aside from being apart of two company exits & two company acquisitions, his standout achievements include serving as the Security Officer that managed 80 million+ patient records, pioneering cloud-based interoperability for Health Information Exchanges, and creating Philadelphia's first regional population health system, "The Grid".
Jarid is a seasoned technology expert whose fervor for innovation is matched only by his dedication to ensuring the integrity and security of digital assets. A major in digital forensics, his academic pursuits seeded an early interest in cryptography, laying the foundation for his future endeavors in the technology realm. With over a decade of rich experience, Jarid has sharpened his skills in customer experience, product design, and the burgeoning field of web3 technology. His most recent role as the technical owner for the US's largest health information exchange is a testament to his capability; under his leadership, the platform facilitates an astounding 9 million+ transactions of PHI data daily. Grounded in expertise and driven by passion, going forward is dedicated to being a t the forefront of leveraging blockchain and cryptographic solutions to address real-world challenges.
Matthew Lopez is a fractional general counsel and managing partner of Wolf and Snow. He has focused his career on working with startups, helping them with their legal and HR needs. Wolf and Snow is the first law firm that acts as a fractional legal department for startups. Matthew created Wolf and Snow to fill the need for startups to have in-house legal departments because of the lack of options and high costs for outside legal counsel. They provide the top tier services of a large legal department at a fraction of the cost while offering flexible payment arrangements that fit the specific budget of each startup by taking a VC approach. Wolf and Snow specializes in all legal areas a startup needs, including corporate governance, contract drafting and negotiations, data privacy, intellectual property, open source, due diligence, and employment.
Shawne Merriman has been a pioneer in the realm of intellectual property from the outset of his distinguished career. Renowned for his "Lights Out" persona, Shawne has expertly leveraged this trademark to build a formidable brand that extends far beyond the football field. As the founding CEO of the Lights Out brand, Shawne has showcased his visionary leadership and entrepreneurial acumen. His multifaceted career includes roles as an analyst for Fox Sports and a celebrated former All-Pro Linebacker in the NFL, where he played for the Los Angeles Chargers and the Buffalo Bills. Beyond his athletic and business achievements, Shawne is the founder of the Lights On Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing winter wear for the less fortunate in the Maryland area. His commitment to philanthropy underscores his dedication to giving back to the community and supporting those in need. Shawne's entrepreneurial ventures continue to expand with the founding of Lights Out Xtreme Fighting, a premier mixed martial arts organization, and the recent launch of Lights Out Sports, a free ad-supported sports streaming service.
Werner brings to our team a distinguished 25-year career with prestigious global law firms and entrepreneurial ventures in the marketing and entertainment sectors. His extensive cross-industry experience includes working with organizations and clients in marketing, advertising, investment banking, commercial banking, energy, consumer products, manufacturing, and entertainment.Most notably, Werner co-founded Bulldog New York, a self-funded marketing agency with a global footprint, serving as the COO and General Counsel. During his tenure, Bulldog New York collaborated with renowned clients such as Pepsi-Cola North America, General Mills, Sara Lee, America Online, and The Otto Group. Werner's impressive track record demonstrates his ability to enhance operations, drive business growth, and optimize profitability through sound financial management and innovative business strategies.
Richard Blakely is a serial entrepreneur and visionary with a focus on creating platform-as-a service (PaaS) solutions, and is renowned for his pioneering work in streaming infrastructure. As Co-Founder and CEO of Xirsys, he leads one of the foremost WebRTC infrastructure-as-a-service companies, and previously co-founded and led the video streaming service Millicast, which was acquired by Dolby in 2022. Richard’s innovative technologies have empowered immersive, real-time and streaming interactions for thousands of companies including many of the world's largest brands. His latest ventures include Sound Ethics AI, a platform for protecting music rights, and EvolvTec, innovative solutions for improving human living. Passionate about design, technology, innovation, skateboard collecting, and crafting finely made cocktails.
Jerry Chabolla is a dedicated entrepreneur and co-founder of multiple innovative companies, with a keen focus on product design and user experience (UX). As Co-Founder of Xirsys, Millicast (acquired by Dolby), Influxis, and EvolvTec, Jerry has played a pivotal role in creating platforms that prioritize intuitive and seamless user interactions. His expertise in UX and his vision for bridging the communication between applications and users has been instrumental in delivering technologies that enable immersive, real-time interactions and streaming experiences for thousands of companies worldwide. Beyond his professional achievements, Jerry is passionate about music, personal growth, 3D printing and Robotics. His commitment to enhancing the user experience is paralleled by his dedication to fostering a positive and fulfilling life for himself and others.
The Big Idea Platform
The Big Idea platform was designed to revolutionize the way intellectual property (IP) is managed, protected, and monetized in the digital era. Built for creators, businesses, academic institutions, and legal professionals, our platform addresses the growing need for a comprehensive solution that ensures the security and authenticity of digital assets. With the rise of digital innovation, traditional methods of IP protection have become inadequate, leading to vulnerabilities and inefficiencies. Big Idea was created to fill this gap, offering a secure, user-friendly environment where users can easily publish, classify, and manage their intellectual and creative assets.

We are advancing how IP is used in the digital space by integrating cutting-edge technologies such as crypto-ledger security and AI-driven analytics. These tools provide robust protection against unauthorized access and ensure transparency and verification of ownership. Moreover, our platform fosters collaboration and innovation by enabling real-time sharing and management of IP assets.
Core Features:
IP Asset Registration
Users can register their ideas, likeness, and intellectual property in a secure and reliable manner. Creating a container that represents you commercial rights.
Business Workspaces
Marketplace/Tech Transfer
Portfolio Management
Analytics and Reporting
Agreement Builder & Manager
Big Idea, we are forging partnerships with leading IP attorneys, universities, and experienced innovators to create a revolutionary approach to managing innovation and creations in real-time. These collaborations allow us to integrate expert legal and academic insights into our platform, ensuring that your intellectual property is not only protected but also strategically managed. By leveraging the knowledge and expertise of these industry leaders, we are able to offer cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of creators and businesses in the digital age.

Privacy and transparency are at the core of our mission. Our platform is designed to give creators full control over their intellectual property, allowing them to securely publish, classify, and manage their assets. We use advanced security measures and crypto-ledger technology to ensure that your assets are protected from unauthorized access while maintaining a transparent system that verifies ownership and authenticity. This dual focus on privacy and transparency empowers creators to confidently share and collaborate on their innovations, knowing that their intellectual property is safeguarded.

In addition to our foundational partnerships, we are also working with leading Gen-AI companies, virtual studio designers, ad agencies, and other strategic partners to build an interoperable platform that puts IP at the center. These collaborations enable us to offer a wide range of tools and services that enhance the value and potential of your intellectual property. From AI-driven analytics to immersive virtual environments, our platform provides the resources you need to maximize the impact of your creations. Together with our partners, we are creating a dynamic ecosystem where intellectual property can thrive, driving innovation and growth in the digital space.